Wednesday 6 February 2013

Tangle Teezer

This my friends, is a thing of wonder.
I have had the same hairbrush since i was 11, and let me tell you.. we are talking more than ten years here Eek!
I had a house brand one from Priceline, i got from my mother for Christmas and i loved it, I've always been a bit sensitive with my scalp and hated the brushes with the balls on the end of the bristles - this however had short standard bristles and long plastic ones. It was a dream.
It wasn't until i watched my new obsession Zoe on Blogger & Youtube did i know about the miracle that was the Tangle Teezer. Let me tell you, once you're teezed you will never want to go back to just any old brush.
From what i can gather this started as one of these miracle products people buy into thinking they probably will be disappointed but give it a crack anyway. 
Kind of like the Schticky - Love that ad! 
Anyway i was hesitant at first mainly because of pricing, the Australian stockists wanted anywhere from $30 to $40 dollars for it, and well.. just no. I did however find it on Asos, with free shipping for a mere $17 dollars, and i have never looked back. I find my hair is alot more manageable with this brush and my hair breakage has reduced immensely. It glides through wet hair quite easily. To be fair if you have a feral knot it will skim over it a tad and break a hair or two but ANY brush would. I Cannot recommend it enough, if you don't have one you need it!

I have since purchased another of these, the Compact version in Leopard print as i find the cover on it is great for keeping it in good condition while bashing about the bottom of my handbag love love love these! 

1 comment:

  1. omgggg i totally didnt know the tangle teaser was sold on asos! i watched zoella & stylesuzi talk about it on youtube and i fell in love!
    great to know you love it :D

    xo; L&M
